
One thousand, one hundred and thirty-four.  That’s how many nights were spent in the  Greenville Rescue Mission - Miracle Hill Ministries emergency shelter for men by Brian Bowie’s client, Vincent.  A former firefighter, Vincent is a kind soul with a blemish on his past.  Despite having served time for his mistake, no employer or potential landlord would take a chance on him.  

The Greenville Homeless Alliance’s Housing Navigator role in partnership with the Piedmont Health Foundation and the GVL iGNITE Fund was established with clients like Vincent in mind: someone who has a stable income (meaning both consistent and non-variable such as Social Security) but who often has some significant obstacle to securing safe, stable housing.  In Vincent’s case, it was having a past crime haunt him many years after he made amends.

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The Power of Collaboration

Michael served five years in prison on an arson charge and returned to Greenville after completing his sentence without a home, family, or support system. He struggled through two failed attempts to stay in an emergency shelter, finding it extremely difficult to live in such close quarters due to challenges associated with his mental illness.

That’s when a collective fund working in partnership with frontline organizations assisted Michael and changed the course of his life. 

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