Soteria: Beverly’s Story
Born and raised in Greenville, Beverly was well educated and acquainted with nice things. Through her adulthood, she became increasingly allured to having the finer things in life. She mistakenly believed that having a nice car or nice clothing would fill her happiness. That mindset became such a struggle that she began taking shortcuts financially at work to fund her expensive tastes. For Beverly, this is where it all fell apart. Her actions were uncovered, and she was convicted of breach of trust, sending her to prison for 7 ½ years.
While in prison, Beverly had time to reflect on her mistakes and take stock of her life. She believes that she was trying to fill a hole in her life with things that proved to be futile. Through her faith, she believes that God has filled the emptiness she once felt. Beverly carries deep remorse for her crimes and desires to live a better life as she moves forward.
After incarceration, people are too often left with little or no support as they attempt to start fresh. This can be overwhelming, debilitating, and—all too often—push individuals to reverting back to their former habits which led them to prison initially. This is a vicious cycle that can be broken with the right support system.
Once released from prison, Beverly had few options. Thankfully, she was introduced to the Soteria Community Development Corporation (CDC). Soteria CDC exists to equip former inmates with resources they need to successfully transition back to society as they seek to rebuild a sustainable, healthy life. Programs offered include job training, financial literacy classes, and discipleship services, as well as partnerships through a variety of channels for those who want to continue their education or pursue technical training. Jerry Blassingame, Founder & CEO, developed the idea of Soteria while he was in prison because he knew he would need support to start anew, and he wanted to help others do the same.
Beverly is currently in Soteria’s transitional program where she can live for up to one year. Upon successful completion, Beverly will receive assistance to find permanent housing.
The Greenville Homeless Alliance (GHA) advocates for organizations such as Soteria CDC so formerly incarcerated individuals can have a safe place to live while taking the necessary steps to regain independence and transition back into society with dignity. Soteria has a 16-bed house for men in Travelers Rest, SC and a 16-bed house for women in Greenville.